Wednesday, March 4, 2009

There is a growing spat between the White House and Rush Limbaugh, the person they branded as leader of the Republican Party. That the Obama Team can pull that off shows the dearth of leadership in the GOP, despite the fact Limbaugh has never held elected office. New leader of the party, Michael Steele, hasn’t been given the same hero worship as President Obama despite being African American. The Democrat arguments can be boiled down to “Stop criticizing our spending initiatives and jump aboard” and “You don’t have a plan.” Why they’re making a Nixonian attack against a private citizen is a discussion for another time.

There is no reason for the Democrats to include Republicans in the spending frenzy which is why they didn’t. Republicans have 178 seats in the House of Representatives or 41%, which equals their representation in the Senate. In case you didn’t notice they have 0% of the White House. The only chance of blocking the Democrat agenda is a Republican filibuster in the Senate, unfathomable because of the revolting left-leaning Sens. Snowe, Collins and Specter.

Unfortunately for President Obama he will own the results of the $787B Stimulus Package, $400B spending bill and monster $3.6T budget. The Dems had no input from the GOP in writing these boondoggles but still wants its fingerprints on them so as to place blame later. If you listen closely you’ll hear that the cure for eight years of too much spending is more spending.

There is no plan from Republicans in general but several remedies from Conservatives, which unfortunately are two very different breeds. Cut the corporate income tax, privatize Social Security, allow more drilling for oil in America, cut taxes in general, cut government spending across the board, stop the bailouts. Yes, let the unhealthy companies fail including the Big Three automakers and Citibank. There will be pain for a while especially for union workers but new companies will spring from the ashes with better business models and no obligations to repay bad loans, union contracts or pensions.

What I just spelled out are the bare bones of a plan. Those on the left won’t even acknowledge that there is a debate over these issues let alone debate them. Welcome to the new era of bipartisonship.

1 comment:

  1. There will be pain for AWHILE? Especially for union workers? More tax breaks for the wealthy corporate infrastructure?

    It's been 6 weeks since Obama has been in the presidency. 6 weeks to clean up more than 8 years of a giant mess. Settle down, connies. The reason why Limbaugh has become the de facto leader of the Republicans is...who else have they got? The Republican Party is not seen as the party of progress when it comes to the economy...
