Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Tolerance and Consistency for All

It was a surprise that a chance to test the intellectual consistency of the defenders of the Ground Zero Mosque would come so quickly. Those who defend the religious rights of mosque developer Sharif El-Gamal, including President Obama and New York Mayor Bloomberg, should also rally behind Pastor Terry Jones of the Dove World Outreach Center in Gainesville, Fla. and his plans to burn Korans to commemorate the anniversary of the 9/11 terrorist attacks.

Gen. Petraeus has asked Dr. Jones to cancel his demonstration, correctly but too narrowly, because it "could endanger the troops and it could endanger the overall effort." Additionally Dr. Jones actions will endanger himself, his congregation and anyone around the world who happens by the resulting anti-American riots.

Dr. Jones proposed actions are insensitive, counterproductive, and in bad taste. The same can be said of the plan to build a mosque near where the twin towers stood. This proposal has already picked the scab of the 9/11 attacks and deeply offends many of the victims' families, the rescue workers and roughly 70% of New Yorkers. The claim the mosque will be a "bridge to peace" is ludicrous, unless "peace" is defined as the offended parties backing down and shutting up. If ground is broken be prepared for demonstrations, counter-demonstrations and boycotts against construction companies. This years-long project will be anything but peaceful, however not likely to be violent or murderous. Contrast that with the riots, mayhem and calls for murder of those who offend Muslims.

President Obama's and Mayor Bloomberg's self-righteous citing of the First Amendment's freedom of religion as a defense of the mosque misses the point entirely. They grandstand their tolerance of religious rights of Muslims when no one was oppressing them. Of course the Muslims have the right to build a mosque near Ground Zero if they follow local ordinances. No one is proposing a curtailment of freedom for anyone to worship as they choose. The self-congratulatory way the defenders of this building cite the Constitution shows their collective tin ear. This matter has always been one of decorum, not rights.

The proposed mosque is a provocation, a slap to those who were emotionally scarred on 9/11. Imagine the uproar if someone proposed a Ku Klux Klan Museum across the street from the motel where Martin Luther King, Jr. was shot. Nazi marches evoke the same passion. President Obama and Mayor Bloomberg should recognize that the proposed Mosque invokes the same level of agitation. Dr. Jones is making a similar affront to Islam. Mr. El-Gamal and Dr. Jones have in common the right to do many bizarre and outrageous things but share ignorance of concepts like thoughtfulness and diplomacy.

Any intellectually honest backer of the Ground Zero Mosque should rally behind Dr. Jones and his right to burn The Koran. Further, Mayor Bloomberg should invite Dr. Jones and his yet-unburned holy books to Ground Zero. What better way to celebrate the entire First Amendment than by displaying Dr. Jones' freedom of speech and Sharif El-Gamal's freedom of religion at the same time? After all, the Dove World Outreach Center deserves tolerance too.