Thursday, September 17, 2009

Two Little Words

Kanye West grabbed the microphone from Taylor Swift at the Video Music Awards last week during her acceptance speech for best video, obviously because she’s white. West hates white people, country music, NASCAR and all else that is white. His seething hatred of a young white woman who dared to win an award over African-American Beyonce, whose video he touted as “one of the best ever” pushed him to chug cognac and jump on stage. He is secretly behind a Black Power movement that wants to take over all three branches of government and the VMA's by force.

How could anyone possibly know West’s motivations? The same way Georgia Democrat Congressman Hank Johnson knows that Rep. Joe Wilson’s motivation for the “You lie!” comment on the House floor was meant to usher in a revival of the Klan’s putting on “white hoods and ride through the countryside.” “You lie!” means that Rep. Wilson wants to lynch black people starting with the President.

"I have concerns about some of the language that is being used because I saw this myself in the late '70s in San Francisco," Nancy Pelosi added in response to Wilson and the Tea Party movement, "This kind of rhetoric was very frightening" and created a climate in which violence took place, she said.” “You lie!” is Rep. Wilson’s call to arms, words that mean to roust us from our beds to commit murder and mayhem.

"I think it's based on racism," omniscient former President Jimmy Carter said at a town hall, “There is an inherent feeling among many in this country that an African-American should not be president." “You lie!” means the vote doesn’t matter to racist Rep. Wilson and his comment was only made because the President is black; President Obama should never have been inaugurated.

There’s a lot of content in those two words Rep. Wilson spoke from the House floor during President Obama’s speech on health care. He should come out with his own version of Cliff's Notes. I bet he could whittle War and Peace down to two pages. Apparently the Pelosi's of the world don't remember President Bushitler being hanged if effigy at many antiwar protests.

The comment came after Pres. Obama stated that illegal immigrants would not be covered in any health care plan. Maybe we can take the drastic step to ask if the President was lying. The answer is maybe. There is a provision in the House bill that is what Pres. Obama stated, however Rep. Wilson had spent that afternoon attempting to insert teeth into that provision so hospitals could look up whether a patient is in fact here legally. The White House argued the opposite position, in effect making the provision meaningless. If a doctor isn’t allowed to learn a patient’s status how can he determine whether he’s part of the government program? He can’t.

Because of this debate on the health care bill, perhaps Rep. Wilson’s “You lie!” meant just that. We can’t speak to his motivations any more than President Carter and much of the Democrat Party can. It was rude, thoughtless and inexcusable for Rep. Wilson to heckle the President during the speech, an action even more offensive than Kanye West’s drunken babbling. To his credit, Wilson apologized not for the content of his two words but for saying them in a very inappropriate place. His apology was accepted by the President who doesn’t seem to fear being lynched anytime soon.

The Democrats can do far more for race relations by defending the President's statements than by playing the race card.